BioLoop Surfactants
For many years we have been exploring the concept of engineering new surfactants using novel bio-based technologies. Sustainable products from renewable sources have been around for many years but the majority have very limited functionality in terms of performance compared to synthetic countertypes. Our remit was to develop a range of bio-based products that offer comparable performance against the synthetic products across a wide range of applications.
The new range of BioLoop surfactants have been designed to offer the formulator a wide range of options based on selection of products that range from hydrophobic to more hydrophilic types.
These products can be used in many applications and perform against standard synthetic nonionics such as commonly used alcohol ethoxylates. If you want to explore a totally new chemistry, then the BioLoop surfactants are an exciting new range of products.

PG (Pure Grade) v Normal Grade
The normal grade of BioLoop surfactants are aimed at standard industrial-based processes in which clarity in an aqueous medium isn’t a necessity. The PG versions which denotes our purified grades are for industries in which clarity in aqueous mediums is essential.
Typical Applications
Normal Grades
Oils and Lubricants
Emulsion Polymers
Agrochemical additives
Textiles auxiliaries
Hand and floor wipes
PG Versions
Personal Care
Household products
Radiocarbon (C14) dating
Result: 99.36% Bio-based carbon

Mildness Studies
The ET 50 test method
The in vitro test was successfully adapted from the widely used ET50 method using human reconstructed skin models.
Formulations are applied to the skin model surface for defined time points, followed by determination of any damage to the skin cells, using an indicator of intracellular metabolism. Test results are expressed as the ET50 value - the time taken for viability to drop to 50% of the untreated control.
The results indicate that the BioLoops, in this instance BioLoop 84L, gave a result to show extreme mildness.
Degree of mildness

Foaming Profile
Test method
A 0.1% solution is prepared and aerated for 30 seconds and then stopped. The degree of foaming is assessed after 60 seconds: A foaming classification was then defined using comparative foaming date generated across the whole of our product range.

BioLoop 56L type:
Classed as
extreme low foam

BioLoop 68L type:
Classed as
medium foam

BioLoop 84L type:
Classed as
medium foam