Lubricity Additives
Lubricity additives are important components in the formulation of neat and water-miscible metalworking fluids. They can provide the majority of the lubricity to enhance the characteristics of other oils, enhancing boundary layer lubrication.
Lubricity additives provided by Lankem can be used to provide optimum lubrication of metalworking fluids, in combination with low foaming characteristics. These products are based on fatty acid ester ethoxylates and ethylene oxide/propylene oxide copolymers.
BioLoop 56L, BioLoop 68L, BioLoop 84L, BioLoop RPS56L, BioLoop RPS68L and BioLoop RPS84L are biobased surfactants that can be used as lubricating additives in the formulation of synthetic metalworking fluids where they offer lubricity and dispersion characteristics in combination with low foaming properties. The BioLoop products can also be used in the formulation of biobased metal cleaning formulations.
Lanphos PE74 is a highly effective emulsifier using the formulation of soluble oils and semi-synthetic metalworking fluids. In addition to excellent emulsification, it also provides extreme pressure lubrication and beneficial corrosion inhibition. These characteristics are provided in combination with a low foaming profile.
Lanphos PE35 and Lanphos PE36 are effective emulsifiers using the formulation of soluble oils and semi-synthetic metalworking fluids. In addition to good emulsification, it also provides extreme pressure lubrication and beneficial corrosion inhibition. These characteristics are provided in combination with a moderate foaming profile.
Lansurf AE73 is a highly effective nonionic emulsifier using the formulation of soluble oils and semi-synthetic metalworking fluids. It is particularly suited to the emulsification of mineral oils and ester-based lubricants.
Lansurf OA7, Lansurf OA10 and Lansurf OA14 are effective nonionic secondary emulsifiers using the formulation of soluble oils and semi-synthetic metalworking fluids. They are particularly suited to the emulsification of mineral oils and ester-based lubricants.
Lansurf DPE201 and Lansurf DPE253 are used in a variety of applications including soluble oils, semi-synthetic but are most suited to the manufacture of synthetic lubricants, where they offer a combination of good lubricity, emulsification, solubilisation and dispersion combined with low foaming/defoaming characteristics.